Marina Maria Iorio Yellow (2025)

1. [PDF] The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff record in the Gaeta Gulf (Eastern Tyrrhenian ...

  • 26 jun 2024 · Abstract. The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera-forming erup- tion (ca. 15kyr) is a large event that occurred at Phlegrean.

2. The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff record in the Gaeta Gulf (Eastern ...

  • The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff record in the Gaeta Gulf (Eastern Tyrrhenian margin, Southern Italy). Marina Iorio, Agostino Meo + Show 2 more. Open Access.

  • Abstract. The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera-forming eruption (ca. 15 kyr) is a large event that occurred at Phlegrean Fields during the Late Glacial–Holocene time span. The eruptive products represent a widespread isochronous marker that links the marine and terrestrial stratigraphic record of the central Mediterranean and Northern Europe sequences. In this research, we describe the stratigraphic signature of the NYT deposits in the Late Glacial–Holocene shelf sequence of the Gulf of Gaeta (northern Campania region, southern Tyrrhenian Sea) throughout the seismo-stratigraphic interpretation of a grid of high and very high-resolution Chirp seismic profiles. The seismo-stratigraphic data allowed to individuate in the Upper Pleistocene–Holocene stratigraphic architecture a continental shelf characterized by an offlap prograding succession followed by a very thick transgressive onlapping unit, and by an upper highstand unit mainly characterized by undulations probably linked to gas-prone sediment. The NYT reflector observed was parallel and with a high amplitude. It was continuously detected from the shelf to the slope within transgressive deposits. On the inner shelf, its continuity was interrupted by shallow gas pockets. The NYT depths ranges from 2 m b.s.f. on the slope to 38 m b.s.f. on the continental shelf. The NYT event appeared to have played a key role in controlling the stratigraphic architecture of the studied area during the last transgression, acting as a trigger fo...

The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff record in the Gaeta Gulf (Eastern ...

3. The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff record in the Gaeta Gulf (Eastern ...

  • The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff record in the Gaeta Gulf (Eastern Tyrrhenian margin, Southern Italy) ... Marina Iorio, Agostino Meo, Gemma Aiello, Maria Rosaria ...

  • Abstract. The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera-forming eruption (ca. 15 kyr) is a large event that occurred at Phlegrean Fields during the Late Glacial–Holocene time span. The eruptive products represent a widespread isochronous marker that links the marine and terrestrial stratigraphic record of the central Mediterranean and Northern Europe sequences. In this research, we describe the stratigraphic signature of the NYT deposits in the Late Glacial–Holocene shelf sequence of the Gulf of Gaeta (northern Campania region, southern Tyrrhenian Sea) throughout the seismo-stratigraphic interpretation of a grid of high and very high-resolution Chirp seismic profiles. The seismo-stratigraphic data allowed to individuate in the Upper Pleistocene–Holocene stratigraphic architecture a continental shelf characterized by an offlap prograding succession followed by a very thick transgressive onlapping unit, and by an upper highstand unit mainly characterized by undulations probably linked to gas-prone sediment. The NYT reflector observed was parallel and with a high amplitude. It was continuously detected from the shelf to the slope within transgressive deposits. On the inner shelf, its continuity was interrupted by shallow gas pockets. The NYT depths ranges from 2 m b.s.f. on the slope to 38 m b.s.f. on the continental shelf. The NYT event appeared to have played a key role in controlling the stratigraphic architecture of the studied area during the last transgression, acting as a trigger fo...

4. Volume 63, 2023 - ADGEO

  • 26 jun 2024 · The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff record in the Gaeta Gulf (Eastern ... Marina Iorio, Agostino Meo, Gemma Aiello, and Maria Rosaria Senatore.

  • Multiple terms: term1 term2 red apples returns results with all terms like: Fructose levels in red and green apples

5. On the occurrence of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff tephra in the Northern ...

  • A main volcanic marker has been identified for the first time on the continental shelf of the northern Phlegraean Fields in the Gulf of Gaeta (Campania region, ...

  • A main volcanic marker has been identified for the first time on the continental shelf of the northern Phlegraean Fields in the Gulf of Gaeta (Campania region, eastern Tyrrhenian margin, Italy) by means of Subbottom Chirp profile grid and stratigraphic analysis of a core collected on the slope. In the seismic sections, the core bottom corresponds to the top of a continuous and parallel reflector (V) interbedded within the transgressive deposits of the Late Quaternary-Holocene depositional sequence. The Transgressive System Tract deposits are particularly thick compared to the majority of the transgressive deposits of other shelf settings. This might be due to the input of pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits related to the intense eruptive activity of the Campania Plain during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene time span. Undulations and pockmarks are the main morphological features of the sea floor and they might be linked to gas uprising, widely detected in the study area. The V reflector is located on the shelf from northeast to southwest at different depths, ranging from 10 ms (about 8 m) to 30 ms (about 25 m) below sea floor and it can be mapped down to the continental slope. The tephrostratigraphic analysis of this continuous reflector allowed to correlate it with the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff deposits emplaced at Phlegraean Fields at ca. 15 ka.

On the occurrence of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff tephra in the Northern ...

6. Items where Author is "Iorio, Marina" - CNR Solar

  • Insinga, Donatella and Iorio, Marina and Meo, Agostino and Senatore, Maria Rosaria (2017) On the occurrence of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff tephra in the ...

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7. Search for articles in Italian Journal of Geosciences archive

  • On the occurrence of the Neapolitan Yellow ... 2. Gemma Aiello (1), Donatella Domenica Insinga (1), Marina Iorio (1), Agostino Meo (2) & Maria Rosaria Senatore (2).

  • Welcome to the search page of the Italian Journal of Geosciences! Here you can search for articles by typing any article title, keywords, authors or DOI into the search field and selecting the search icon.

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8. The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff record in the Gaeta Gulf (Eastern Tyrrhenian ...

  • Authors: Marina Iorio, Agostino Meo, Gemma Aiello, Maria Rosaria Senatore. Abstract. Abstract. The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera-forming eruption (ca. 15 kyr) ...

  • Abstract. The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera-forming eruption (ca. 15 kyr) is a large event that occurred at Phlegrean Fields during the Late Glacial–Holocene time span. The eruptive products represent a widespread isochronous marker that links the marine and terrestrial stratigraphic record of the central Mediterranean and Northern Europe sequences. In this research, we describe the stratigraphic signature of the NYT deposits in the Late Glacial–Holocene shelf sequence of the Gulf of Gaeta (northern Campa…

9. [PDF] University of Groningen Before the Iron Age Ippolito, Francesca

  • ... Maria Veneziano, Gloria Mittica, Annette Hansen, Eleni Panagiotopoulou ... Iorio caves in the territory of Castrovillari28. It is worth mentioning that ...

Marina Maria Iorio Yellow (2025)
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